In Texas, having a car is pretty much almost as important as breathing – literally. Unlike other states like New York in the Northeast US, where about 50 taxi cabs pass you every minute, Texas is a state reliant completely on independent workers, and walking is out of the questions due to the vast areas that cities span, and at times, the lethal heat. Nu Way Car Center completely understands the importance of a car in this part of the US and we are here to help get you back on track if you are needing collision repair.
We all know how frustrating it can be to expect something and get something totally different. A sandwich different from what we ordered, a mix-up in ordering a video game or a movie, or a different price for groceries than what was marked. These problems exist in the car collision centers as well.
But there are at time things that don’t necessarily fall in the jurisdiction of the repair center nor the customer. Sometimes there are repairs that can be miscommunicated, which is why we have formulated this list to help reduce errors and to thoroughly treat all problems that may be occurring in your car.
There are times where you may want to come to the repair shop and have your tire alignment fixed, but instead they end up doing something else. Although that would be an extreme case of miscommunication, it can and does happen.
For example if there is severe damage to your front bumper, it could be easily mistaken that you want the front fender fixed too, resulting in the repair shop remedying something that you may not have wanted. It is important to clearly state what exactly is wrong with your vehicle rather than blindly trusting those around you.
You may think that a collision repair center is dedicated to servicing only you – and you’re right. Repair centers in Arlington and the Dallas, Fort Worth area want to service all customers for miles around them. Unfortunately, vehicular collisions happen on a daily basis in the DFW area and there are just too many repairs to make. Throw in the fact that some of these repairs can take days or even weeks waiting for parts to arrive, and it could be a while before your car is even looked at. This is simply the nature of the beast.
Nu Way is dedicated to servicing in the most effective and quickest manner possible, but there are times where it may not be possible to repair two-dozen cars within one week.
Make your repairman comfortable
You may not think so, but car repair technicians can actually be pretty clean people. If you have a car that has fast food wrappers everywhere and has been put through the mud just before delivery, it could affect the quality of your serviceman’s work and it could even make the repair cost more if the filth is bad enough.
Make sure to empty out your car as well as put your vehicle through the car wash if possible, in order to make the work more desirable and easier for the technician. Also, don’t bother your technician. It’s distracting to watch their every move and testimonials say that customers can affect the quality of their serviceman’s work simply by hovering.
No job is perfect, but there are definitely ways to make repairs more appealing and give the serviceman more incentive to do a better job. At Nu Way, we strive to make the collision repair process as seamless as possible. If you need to have repairs done to your car, call Nu-Way Car Centers today to get more information about pricing and scheduling.